Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Week 2 of VLCD

Day 8: Thursday

Weight: 186.6 lbs (-0)
Feeling bummed that I lost nothing. Really!? Grr. Well I did drop 1.2lbs the day before. Still feeling very good.
Decided to make a Spicy Thai Butternut Squash soup, that I've been wanting to do for a while. It was amazing and so simple. When I plugged in the ingredients to my recipe app I got 151 cal/ serving (each serving is 2 cups). You top it with cilantro, lime, and peanuts (I did 6) So I had this for lunch which was at 1:00.
Had to work tonight, but energy was great; took a coffee. Had the soup for dinner which was late because of work.

Eating window: 1:00- 7:15
Total Calories: 606 cal
Weight: 186.6lbs

Day 9: Friday

Weight:185.3 lbs (-1.3lbs)

Woohoo! Super happy about that loss. Didn't do much today.
Had a cup of coffee and soup for lunch and dinner

Eating Window: 12:10- 6?
Total Calories: 475 cal
Weight: 185.3lbs

Day 10: Saturday

Weight: 185 lbs (-0.3)

Today was my daughter's sleepover party to unfortunately there were treats everywhere. I was able to resist till the very end...

I took the girls to swim lessons and didn't eat till we got home. I find having something to do that gets you out of the house in the morning helps move lunch later. The coffee also helps put off eating. Some people say the fast is broken when you have any form of calories so technically you could say my beginning is earlier when I have coffee. However, I just use my beginning as my first meal.
I did have a bit of an upset tummy, think this had to do with some bug being around because I was up all night with my little one who was throwing up :(
I had a coffee today and my soup for lunch which I had at 1.
Everyone came over at 6 for the sleepover and I was so busy getting everything ready that it wasn't until 5:50 that I realized I hadn't had dinner. Didn't feel like soup so I had potatoes and yam round.
I did end up having a few snacks, damnit. I love Old Dutch Twists and I got them for my daughter because she can't have popcorn (braces) so I kept having small handfuls, which I believe were about 4 cups. Then I had 3 peach rings, again my favorite.  This is why I don't keep treats in the house, but it was a special event. And for everything we had I did great. We had pizza, chocolate, ice cream, brownies, popcorn, chips, and pop.

Eating Window: 1:00-8:45
Total Calories: 744 cal
Weight: 185 lbs

Day 11: Sunday

Weight: 183.8 lbs (-1.2lbs)

Tummy felt fine. Had to get the girls up. Made them a nice breakfast with toast, eggs, bacon, orange juice and fruit. Everything looked so good!
I made a coffee to help get me going after 2 late nights in a row.
For lunch I had my soup while my girls made pizzas. Just a little jealous, but concentrating on what I shouldn't have helps focus me on what I should.
I decided to have my potatoes for dinner tonight.

Eating window: 12:30 - 6:00?
Total Calories: 384 cal
Weight: 183.8 lbs

Day 12: Monday

Weight: 183.2 lbs (-0.6)

Took the girls to school and got a call to work.
I made a coffee and took soup for lunch.
I wasn't in the mood for soup so I made potatoes but didn't want that so I had a salad with lettuce, some, mushrooms, and peppers with caesar dressing. I didn't want to put too much in because I love a loaded salad and that includes cheese for me so I didn't want to temp myself.

Eating Window: 11:45 - 5:30
Total Calories: 412 cal
Weight: 183.2 lbs

Day 13: Tuesday

Weight: 183.3 (+0.1)

Eh. Oh well, I think the bounce up is because of the big drop. Still happy to be down below my weight at Christmas. I might be imagining it but my pants feel better around my stomach. However, I don't believe so because I've dropped 13 lbs so far so that's going to make some difference. Feeling very happy with myself :D
I can't wait to keep going.
I'm out of lime so I didn't bother with peanuts on my soup today. I went into town for groceries, getting out of the house, and so I had a bowl of soup at 12:30.
I really felt like a treat so I check the calories for a jolly rancher only 23 cal. Nice. So I ended up having 3 through the day.
For dinner I wanted potatoes but not just with franks, so I had salsa.

Eating Window: 12:20 -5:30
Total Calories: 299 cal
Weight: 183.3

Day 14: Wednesday

Weight: 183.1 lbs (-0.2)

Oh my god I just realized that I'm super close to 170's. When I was working out 3 years ago that was my first goal. Can't wait to get to 170.
But I'm going to be ecstatic for 160 because that was the lowest I got back in 2014.
Hard to believe how quickly time goes and how slow weight gain = lots of weight gained. It is a gradual thing.
160 in March 2014 ---> 186 lbs Christmas 2015 ----> 189 January 2015 ----> 200 June 2016 ---> 197 September 2016
I have to keep going! There's no way I'm not going to get back there. I'm too disappointed to continue feeling disappointed. I've been feeling this way for 2 years basically. Ever since I've been gaining. Every time I think about "Oh man I wish I was still 160, why can't I get me act together?"
Done with that!
So I found I wasn't hungry today and didn't end up having lunch till 1:00. I only ended up having 1 cup of soup. I struggled because I really wanted roast chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy. And ice cream and brownies. Forcing yourself to change is hard
For dinner I wanted something different so I did mixed vegetables with refried beans. Although refried beans have the same calories as mashed potatoes, they don't have any milk, butter, sour cream and cheese like I put in mine.
My stomach was upset after, but I didn't use any oil or butter and only garlic salt. Odd
Wanted something sweet so I had one jolly rancher.
I had a meeting tonight that had timbits, oranges, and carrots. But my rumbly tummy helped me from having anything

Eating Window: 1:00 - 5:00
Total Calories: 329 Cal
Weight: 183.1

I don't know why but this week felt harder, might just have been the extra goodies being around. I'm feeling how long this road will be... but I'm excited and frustrated at the same time. Here's to another good week

Week 2 Re-cap
Total Pounds Lost: (-3.5lbs)
Total Calories Eaten: 3249 Cal

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