Saturday, October 8, 2016

Week 3 VLCD

Day 14: Thursday

Weight: 181.4 lbs (-1.7lbs)

:D Very happy today. Down 15.6lbs from 2 weeks ago! Crazy. Can't wait for the next 2 weeks.

Isn't it hard not to compare yourself to others. As happy as I am, and should be, I read that my friend has lost 30lbs and I feel jealous. Which I really shouldn't because she has so much more than me to lose. I always try to keep the mind frame that you should be grateful for what you have and where you are because there are people that wish they could be you. People who wish they had my job, a husband, kids, family, or that they were my weight. Therefore, just because I'm frustrated with my career or with my weight, others would be so thankful for what I have. Perspective is everything

The past couple of days have been difficult because I want to just have what I use to have; I'm working on learning about what I should be eating, and why I shouldn't be eating other things.
Cup of coffee before work only ended up having half. For lunch I had a mixed stir-fry the same as last night. Before work I had one slice of bread with butter and a piece of ham.
Day turned terrible.
I ended up with a stomach bug and was light-headed nauseous and had an upset tummy. I actually ended up getting sick at the end of work.
Think it's my time of the month too

Eating Window: 11:50-4:00
Total Calories: Threw up so I'm thinking 272 calories
Weight: 181.4 lbs

Day 15: Friday

Weight: 180.1 (-1.3)

I know this is only because my stomach was so upset I couldn't eat. I'm expecting to stay or go up tomorrow. Tried to drink lots of water because I was so thirsty. I allowed myself some leeway because I would not eat what I did today if I wasn't feeling so off.
Was really down because I had to call in sick to a full day of work :(
I started with a little bit of popcorn, and a small two bite brownie, it is my birthday and knew I wasn't getting anything till tomorrow. I made some packet soup and had one ladle (1 c)
For lunch I was quite hungry so I had a ham sandwich just bread, butter, and meat.
For dinner I had a couple of bites of a subway sandwich. Hoping for a much better day tomorrow want to bring back the perseverance and focus

Eating window: 9:00-6:00
Total Calories: 528 cal
Weight: 180.1

Day 16: Saturday

Weight:180 lbs (-0.1)

I was just glad I didn't gain after the mix of food. Today was my birthday celebration so I count it as my cheat day. Feeling amazing with the weight loss. Shared with mom that I've lost 17lbs. She said she noticed I was looking good
The morning started with having a small brownie. Then having potato wedges at 1230.
I didn't have dinner till 8 because my step-dad broke his wrist so we were at the hospital and waited to eat. We had chicken drumsticks, quinoa salad, sweet potato fries, caesar salad and mashed butternut squash. I had a 80 cal smirnoff and a piece of cake

Eating Window: 12:30-8
Total Calories: 884 Cal
Weight: 180

Day 17: Sunday

Weight: 181.8 lbs (+1.8)

First gain. I figured this was because I dropped so much and because of my cheat day. Not happy but ok with it. Just focusing on getting under 180 this week. Want to focus on getting back on track after a crazy few days.
Really, really didn't want just potatoes. Need to find another low cal soup or meal, because I'm over the butternut squash.
Had 2 snack size chocolate bars, but really proud that I resisted having a third when I reached for it.
Potatoes for lunch.
Dinner I made ribs, they looked really good and I had 2 pieces. I haven't had or made them in ages. There was corn and rice for sides but I only had corn. Ribs are crazy in calories 280 for just 2!!

Eating Window: 1-6
Total Calories: 563 Cal
Weight: 181.8

Day 18: Monday

Weight: 180 lbs (-1.8)

YAY! Glad I dropped so quick. Took pic today :) Have been feeling pretty good with where I am. Stomach is off again, was up early. Don't know if it's food or leftover from being sick
Had a morning coffee because I had to go to town for insurance stuff.
Got some farm fresh eggs from my brother so I had one with half and apple and some corn for lunch.
For dinner I had 3 ribs. I know I know, should have just had a potato.

Eating Window: 12 - 5
Total Calories: 661 Cal
Weight: 180

Day 19: Tuesday

Weight: 180.7 (+0.7)

Really! Oh come on. Grr. It's thanksgiving this weekend and I really want to be down, but I feel like I'm stuck.
Even with this thought I didn't do potatoes. I made chicken noodle soup and had it for lunch and dinner.
I'm trying to be optimistic for tomorrow. But I've already decided it's potatoes and veggies till sunday dinner. I have a long way to go and I've realized I was short-sighted with getting to 170 instead of the big focus of 140.

Eating window: 1230- 530
Total Calories: 511 cal
Weight: 180.7 lbs

Day 20: Wednesday

Weight: 179.4 (-1.3)

Yay! Into the 170's. Super excited about that. Slowly but surely. Just thinking about loosing on my thighs. Feels great to put on my dress pants :)
Feeling a little down personal wise. Stuff with work is stressing me out and hubby did something that's upset me. So just trying to keep busy around the house with cleaning stuff. Gonna do a couple of hours of work then I have parent teacher interviews tonight.
I haven't decided on soup or potatoes for lunch, but I'll have to eat before I go in at 12 because I don't think I'll make it to 2.
Decided to go with chicken soup for lunch and dinner

Eating Window: 11:30-5:30
Total Calories: 524 Cal
Weight: 179.4 lbs

Day 21: Thursday

Weight:180.2 (+0.8)

Super fed up with yo-yoing around 180 so I'm going potaotes and soup. I just want to keep going down. Plus I want to stay in the 170's after thanksgiving dinner (Live in Canada so Thanksgiving is before Halloween)
Did a couple of hours at the daycare today so I ate before I went because I wouldn't be able to because I finish at 2. Had Potatoes with salsa for lunch and made Vegetarian Borscht because it's low calories. Tried cutting the potatoes differently though and I don't like it, and the regular cabbage was super expensive so I got the purple and I don't really like it. Had soup for dinner and 1 girl guide cookie.

Eating Window: 11:30-5:00
Total Calories: 355 cal
Weight: 180.2 lbs

Week Three Re-cap
Total Weight Loss: (-1.2 lbs)
Total Calories: 4298 Cal

Note: Very fluctuating week. Going to focus on sticking to consistent VLC meals to see if it makes a difference. The exception being Sunday because of Thanksgiving

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