Thursday, September 22, 2016

The first 7 days of VLCD

Day "1": Thursday
I have day one in quotation because I was trying to hold off the start of this diet because supposedly day 3 and 4 are difficult and I had work on Saturday.

I started my day with my daily cup of coffee with International French Vanilla. I had originally planned to wean myself off my glorious creamer, so that I could still drink my coffee but without it. See Day 2
In the mean time I started drinking tea again, it's fall weather for sure so I'm enjoying having it back
For lunch I had a bowl of homemade acorn squash soup I had made the day before. (Being completely honest here, it was no good, I hadn't made it before and didn't follow a recipe so it lasted 3 bowls before I cut my loses)
I had some white cheddar popcorn as a snack (looking great already right. I just couldn't justify throwing out a cup of popcorn when I wasn't officially starting till tomorrow)
For dinner I had a potato with franks, spaghetti squash, and slice of onion (which didn't get eaten)
I tried the potato without anything and if I truly had to I would go without anything but I didn't feel it was necessary.
I really wanted my mango. I tried to ignore it, waited, did some other things but still... so I peeled and cut it and put it in the fridge and tried to leave it. But just couldn't wait till tomorrow.
That's the thing for me. I try to wait and redirect. I ask myself questions before I make a decision about the food.

Finished eating: 7 pm
Total Calories: 984 cal
Weight: 197 lbs

Day 2: Friday
Note- The second part of the "potato diet" was after 2 weeks you can eat vegan/vegatarian with a fed window of only a 6/8 hours. I had tried intermittent fasting before and figured I was jumping into this part anyways so I would try to be mindful of creating a feeding window. I decided that I wouldn't eat any later then 6pm, so if I want to shorten my window it would be moving breakfast.

That morning I got up and weighed myself, 194.1lbs meaning -2.9lbs. Awesome! That little success was nice.
Coffee?? I decided that because I wasn't working I would try going without coffee, if I really wanted it I would have it, but lets try waiting. Instead I made tea.
I got the kids ready and took them to school.
I usual don't eat till I get back home around 9 anyways. On the drive back I really wanted potatoes. I was looking forward to having them!
I wanted to grab some groceries so I headed to the store. I needed to grab potatoes and yams if I was going to make it work. I also really wanted to make a nice chicken dinner. It's interesting that I still want to make nice food even though I'm not going to eat it, it's like watching the food network :D
Once I got the groceries in the house and was unpacking I became very hungry! It was 11 and I could finish unpacking and prepping dinner, lunch was needed first.
I nuked my potato and yam (5 mins, then 2 more for the yam) Did you know potatoes only have 100 calories? It was so yummy and satisfying. 16 hour fast
For dinner I made a beautiful roast chicken and potatoes with gravy and carrots... I had a red potato, spaghetti squash and a yam round, because I wanted it.
I truly desired the veggies instead of everything else. Not saying I didn't nibble on the chicken, for testing purposes only ;)
Then after dinner I wanted something sweet so I had a cup of mango.

Finish Eating: 6:30pm
Total Calories: 547 cal
Weight: 194.1

Day 3: Saturday
Morning weight: 189 lbs!!! WHAT that's right -5.1 stinking pounds, that's 8 lbs already. Was not eating really working.
Note: Yes I know all about water weight, sure it's water weight. Who cares! Does that matter, the number is still down. Heck I could cut my hair and it would go down, doesn't matter. It's working for me and my opinion, feelings, and thoughts are mine. Lets move on...

I was worried about what my energy level would be at work. I was planning on skipping my coffee again but was worried I'd be too tired so I decided, I'd make it and bring. Just encase I wanted it.
My other dilemma was weather or not to eat before work. I started at 11 and knew I would get a break until at the earliest 1!
I got up and had tea. I put on some laundry before running to the pharmacy for some pills. This is actually very unusual for me, usually I'd lay around and do nothing before work. Not eating was making me more active. I grab some groceries before coming home.
I decided to wait to eat until lunch at work. Once I got there I saw, Break: 1:45, my fast would be about 19 hrs.
It was chaos at work and I did decide to have my coffee at 1:15.
Surprisingly my energy was good and I wasn't crazed hungry when I ate. I actually didn't finish everything on my first break
1 Potato
1 c carrots
1 c spaghetti squash
Yam round
At my second break at 4:15 I finished everything.
I met up with my husband, kids, and friends at a football game. I brought in my cup of mango but gave it to my girls. My husband, being nice, brought me a Palm Bay. If he hadn't brought it I wouldn't have had it, but I had already planned to have a hot dog during tailgating which was moved to their house because of rain, so I allowed myself to enjoy it. I was already planning on it.

Finished Eating(drinking): 8:30pm
Total Calories: 624 cal
Weight: 189 lbs

Day 4: Sunday 
My Baby's birthday :D That's right my little one is now 11 years old!!
Weight: 188.3 lbs (-0.7)
I was just glad I still went down with having the coffee creamer and Palm bay. Any lose is still a lose.
We made plans to go to Montana's for my daughter's birthday, I was planning on either having what I wanted, making a healthy choice, or being strict. Meaning I had no idea what I was going to get.
I had a yam round, a potato and a cup of mango for lunch (I believe I ate at 12)
Dinner was at 5. I started with only a water. (A good way to cut calories is not to drink them)
Appies- My husband, mom, and brother all got appies. I had a bite of the potato skins and some spinach dip. I had 5 pieces with some dip and was surprised when I logged it later that it only had 118 calories :) Nice
For dinner I picked a small house salad with dressing on the side, side of seasonal veggies which was broccoli and cauliflower, and 2 skewers of shrimp. I considered a steak but honestly didn't feel hungry enough for it. I was incredibly surprised with the veggies they were cooked perfect.
Dinner was 282 calories
I'll admit to a small bite of my daughters birthday dessert

Finished Eating: 6:00pm
Total Calories: 657 calories

Day 5: Monday
Weight:188.1 lbs (-0.2)

Today I made a nice beef stew. I had been craving it and I could picture the beautiful chunks of beef and veggies floating in a gravy sauce. This was my lunch and dinner. I believe I ate around 12:30.
One cup is only 100 calories! Awesome. This is the perfect recipe to stay low. Another good soup is bourcht at 114 calories, not including the sour cream unfortunately.
I had 2 cups for both lunch and dinner. It was perfect and so filling.
I had nothing else other then tea.

Finished Eating: 5:30pm
Total Calories: 402 calories
Weight: 188.1

Day 6: Tuesday
Weight: 187.4 lbs (-0.07)

I was called in to work today so I was again anxious about my energy level. I made a tea and a coffee to take and packed mango and stew for food.
My energy was good but was glad for the coffee.
I ate lunch at 12:15 today and only ate quickly because I had to rush to get back.
I had dinner at 5:30? it was potatoes, yam round and carrots. Plus a cup of mango after 
I had chicken wraps from the leftover chicken. I enjoy making the food that I would like to have. I don't feel guilty, sad or angry about it. I enjoy cooking.

Finished Eating: 6pm
Total Calories:527 Calories
Weight: 187.4

Day 7: Wednesday
Weight: 186.6 (-0.8) !!

Officially lost 10.4 lbs! Awesome. Again, yes mostly all water I'm sure by you'd be happy if you didn't have 10lbs to carry around. go pick up a 10lb weight. Nothing to sneer at right
Got the girls off to school and putter around getting the house clean before I went into town to pick up birthday supplies. (My daughter is having a sleepover this weekend because I worked on saturday. I got all the fixings. Tons of candy and pedicure/manicure stuff)
I got home around 12 for lunch and was quite hungry so I had 2 cups of stew before having another. Felt full.
The nice thing about not eating all the time is I'm aware of being HUNGRY, not the "hmmm I want to eat". And then after eating the enjoyment of not being stuffed, but satisfied.
I decided to make tacos for the family, and felt a little bummed that I was having stew for dinner (I wanted to finish the pot)
I baked the hard shells, because I love them, but knew I'd just be doing burritos.
They had refried beans, cheese, ground beef with black beans, onions, tomatoes, salsa, sour cream, crushed hard shells and lettuce. They looked great and the one bite I had proved they tasted good too. However, I noticed that the wrap now tasted chewy and flour ish.
I enjoyed my stew once I started eating and truly didn't care that I wasn't eating what they were. Funny huh!
Once the kids were in bed I cleaned the whole kitchen including mopping. Very unusual for me. Also for the past 3 nights I've been going to bed with my husband which is around 9 or 10. Yesterday and today I actually was asleep before him. I just because I know I'm not going to eat I might as well go to sleep. (Or maybe I don't have the energy?)

Finished eating: 5:15pm (actually taking note of it now)
Total Calories: 552 cal
Weight: 186.6 lbs

Week 1: (-10.4lbs)
Total Calories Eaten: 4293 Cal

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