Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Working Out (Take 2)

Get a Gym Membership!

Three months ago my friend and I went to her gym and I signed up. I figured that because I didn't get hired for this teaching term I would take the time to go to the gym daily. I have the time, unlike a lot of working people so I should take advantage.
      I am happy to say that I am 18lbs down and am at 186, the lowest weight I usually get to. I'm eager to continue and get into 170's. I haven't been at 170 since before I had my oldest (over 7 years ago).
I had to change how I viewed exercise. I realized that my body needs to move just as much as it needs food. I decided to think of my workouts as a drop in a bucket, everyday adding a little more will add up!
Here are a few things I've discovered so far

1. If you are "too tired" you actually feel the same or less tired after you work out
2. Making small healthy changes can lead to continued healthy changes, which ties into....
     - Take small steps. Eat more fruits and veggies, drink more water, eat a salad a day, have breakfast
3. Do the food log. Don't worry so much about calories, but about the quality of your food
4. Make it a habit. If its a habit you don't have to force yourself it becomes automatic
4. Listen to your body. I think people take their bodies for granted and/or resent it when they have extra weight
5. I feel amazing even though I still have a long way to go. I feel confident and proud. This is more important to me than the weight I am.
    - This kinda feeds into a great cycle.
                 I eat healthy -> I feel good -> I work out -> I lose weight -> I feel confident and good
6. Lastly, that although I haven't succeeded in the past doesn't matter because I am this time.

I think the key really is the Gym, my workout buddy, and my trainer. I decided that I was sick and tired of the weight and there for I was going to do whatever it took and I knew I needed accountability, hence my awesome trainer.

Happy Weight Loss Reader

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