Saturday, August 18, 2012

10 years....

10 years...
    So I do have some boring catching up to do but I figured my 10 year reunion is on my mind and talking about it needs a moment.
    It's hard to see your life as a passage of time because to each person I think it can be safely said that it doesn't appear so. I can "time travel" to any moment in my life and be there in the moment and remember exactly what it was like to be 14 and hanging out with my friends in the hallways of high school or sitting in class. Or 17 and walking across the stage to get my diploma. Or jump to 20 and giving birth to my daughter,  And as you travel closer and closer to your true age you realize, "Holy shit it's been a long time since I was in high school," 10 years to be exact.
   It's a little surreal to stand in the park surrounded by individuals that were trapped as 17 year olds because you hadn't seen them since high school and see that either they've changed completely; gained a little weight, married, has kids, live in another province. Or that they are the same looking, acting, talking or thinking exactly like they did 10 years ago.
  And as I reflect not only on how far they've come it makes me see just how far I have come, and how truly thankful I am for my life, my family, and what I've accomplished. To my classmates, I wish all the best in the future.

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