Thursday, April 12, 2012

Feeling down

So I'm in that horrible mood that you wish you could just shake. I'm sad, grumpy, and unmotivated. I don't want to do anything and I'm whiny about it. I think the crux is that I'm feeling down because of my weight. I'm not completely unhappy I just wish I didn't have this extra 40lbs.
So I'm a miserable whiner that doesn't want to do anything.
There's stress about our finances. Oh money, why must you be so difficult. So we're having problems with the Medical/ Dental plan we picked, and debt, and then paying taxes.
Then there's all the outside work I have to do....
But I knew that writing about it would make me feel better. Because at the end of it I know that everything will work out. I just need to see what's giving me a hard time and then I can deal with each issue. I hope others can see this and realize the same for themselves

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