Friday, January 6, 2012

The time has come....

So I'm doing Cinch again. Getting prepared to do P90X. I know I know that's what I said a year ago, but with hubby doing it with me I'm hoping it will happen this time. There are a few motivators that I think will make me succeed.
1. Hubby's doing it with me- I've always known that I need the accountability and support
2. My anniversary- May 5th is going to be 7 years and it's a nice milestone
3. My cousin's wedding- This is a big motivator because I'm in the wedding party and would love to be 50 lbs lighter and have to have the dress taken in. I REALLY want to look good

It just feels like this is the time. I'm constantly depressed because of my weight and hate pictures and looking at how big I am.
I'm currently 210, wow 21 lbs heavier than a while ago, not surprising because I was frustrated with watching what I ate and getting no where. However, I'm hoping the Cinch will get me down to 200 and then "Bring it" to loose 50. I know I'm going to do it because I have a new mind set: One day at a time.
This means that I simply need to exercise that day. From there it will build, I exercise one day, than one day, and before I know it, it will be a month. Time goes quickly and as long as I do it that day it will add up. God I want this!
I want to look in the mirror 3 months from now and say "Yeah I did it, and I look amazing"
Wish me luck

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