Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 4 and 5

Day 4
Protein bar
Salmon Salad (Better than it sounds)
Steak, potato and salad (treating hubby)

Day 5
So today Shaelyn had a birthday party to go to and Maddi was up ALL night. It was horrible and not only was I exhausted but I was worried I wouldn't get in my exercise. Although I did partake in cake I restrained myself to a small piece :) I had a hotdog which wasn't as healthy as I could have been for lunch, I didn't over snack. After the party I went grocery shopping and came home. Kevin took Shaelyn shopping with him and fortunately I was able to get Maddi to fall asleep and I got in my exercise! Woohoo! First time exercising on the weekend. Looks like dinner with either be steak or salmon salad. Yum

Hotdog, few chips, and cake
Protein bar
Steak salad

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