Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Get Healthy *sigh*

Does anyone really like to eat healthy and exercise?

I'm in the beginning of eating healthy and adding exercise. I am enjoying it so don't think that I don't... it's just, why does bad stuff have to taste so GOOD! I just want to eat whatever and not have to worry about weight.
Here's a summary: I've never been overweight. 170 was heavy for me and this was before I got pregnant with my first daughter. I ate whatever I wanted and didn't exercise.
I always felt that I was big, and a little pissed off at myself for thinking that now that I am bigger. What the hell was I thinking 6 years ago! Stupid society and their messed up messages.
With my first daughter I gained 50 pounds. I was shocked and very self-conscious, but it wasn't until I had her and I didn't pop back to what I was that it really hit me. I continued to hold onto 20 pds and my body was totally different. I was able to ignore it most of the time but I really was a different person because I was so depressed the majority of the time.
Then came my second daughter, who is only a year now. With her I gained 30-40pds and only kept 10. So in totally I've added 30- 40pds total that I just can't shake.
I recognize that I'm not huge, but I'm not happy. The problem comes when my eating habits (which aren't bad) and my lack of exercise are keeping me at this weight. I'm frustrated to know end that I have all this weight to lose and I didn't eat myself this way.

Back to what I really want to think about, which is the new "Diet" I've started. Now it is a Diet (check out "Cinch" by Cythia Sass) but I recognize it as the proper way to eat. I can't remember when I've ever eaten so little but felt fulfilled. I'm working on the 5 Day Fast-Forward, which is eating the same meals for 5 days.
Let me tell you how it's gone so far-

Day 1-
I was excited to start the new program and really want to see the 8 pds lost. For breakfast, I make myself the spinach scramble and fill my 1 cup of raspberries. I add cinnamon and nothing to the scramble. I take the time to make sure my plate looks nice. Then I start to eat. I enjoy the scramble, love eggs and spinach but I'm sure I would have added another egg because there was so little. Then I have some raspberries. It was so tart, and cinnamon was really overwhelming.
The hardest part came after I dropped Shaelyn at school at the two babies were asleep. I desperately wanted the chili I had made last night. (See not bad food) All I could think about till 11:30 was something to munch on, but specifically that chili. I made it though. So I made the parfait.
I was excited to make something. I love cooking. So I layered the yogurt and raspberries with almonds. I added the cinnamon and some nutmeg. Ugh. Still not very good. But I followed through and did as I was told.
Dinnertime. I love salads and knew it would be good. I decided to hard boil the egg and make some balsamic vinaigrette. This is still my favorite meal and I look forward to it everyday. The raspberries were still very tart but I didn't mind.
I was suppose to have a smoothie but the memory of the tart parfait turned my stomach, so I did sort of the same thing but didn't eat it.

Day 2-
Memories of salad, made me make my scramble sort of a salad.
The parfait was made with a different yogurt that I didn't really like, so I ended up leaving some
The salad was a big hit again
And I made the smoothie, although not my favorite it wasn't that bad. The almond but leaves a yuckie taste.
What I remember most was the morning struggle not to eat, and also the surprise at how full I felt.
I weighed myself this morning and I was 202. I was shocked. I've been hovering around 208-206 so I was very surprised.

I woke up SO hungry. By 7:15 when it was time to make breakfast I was shaking with anticipation. I decided to cook the egg and spinach separately and have the raspberries in a bowl. Yesterday I found some citrus juice really helped the raspberries taste better. Or maybe I'm use to the taste. This was one of my favorite meals. The spinach cooked with the balsamic vinaigrette was almost sweet and it was a welcome taste. It was SO good. The parfait was pretty good and the salad still the best.

Coming this far makes the next two days seem easy. However, tomorrow I'm sure dinnertime will be very welcome because of Shaelyn's dance.
Look forward to reporting good things.

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