Thursday, January 20, 2011

All People Are Living

I was driving back home from a visit with my mom with Madison in the back when I noticed the person in the vehicle next to mine looking at me. I was shoving my wallet into the diaper bag when I noticed him. I gave a nice smile and began driving when the light turned green.
He wasn't rude, just gave me a glace which made me wonder how I looked.
I've often found it interesting to imagine my actions from another person's point-of-view. It makes me realize that other people, are people. Meaning that they have thoughts and opinions, people they care about and concerns. I'm saying that, just as I have family and friends, and love my children SO much, the person in the car next to me has the exact same feelings for the people in their life who are strangers to me.
It's a pretty profound thought that I am one person, and there are BILLIONS of people on the planet all dealing with similar, or completely different, issues as me and they are all living their lives with thoughts in their heads, concerns, family, and bills.
It's so easy to get stuck in our own little world thinking about schedules and bills or "What to make for dinner?" or cleaning the house.... that we forget that there are billions of other people thinking and living their lives. Wow.

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