Saturday, January 19, 2013

Facet: Sister (1)

I had a horrible dream last night/ early morning.

I dreamt that my brother and his girlfriend broke up and he was devastated, which I imagine he would be. Due to this break up he became self destructive and would get into fights, do drugs and even began to commit suicide. I was constantly getting him out of fights and trying to stop him using drugs. I had a strong heart to heart with him about this being a "permanent solution to a temporary problem" (deFranco) and how hurt I was that he didn't care about me, my girls and our other brother, that we're his family and care for him just as much/ more than his ex.

This is similar to an actual conversation that I had with my youngest brother when he wanted to drive 2hrs with a broken arm to see his girlfriend. 

Thankfully dreams are just dreams and my wonderful brothers are safe.

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