Monday, January 10, 2011

The Beginning

I was thinking about what to start with and I figured the beginning was a good place.
I've decided to try blogging again. I think my first attempt failed mostly because Google and blogspot joined and my blog disappeared and after desperately trying to find it I threw it into my incomplete pile.
The second reason I think I failed was I tried to narrow my blog. I wanted to spout poetry and have people fall back in amazement at my intelligence. Haha. But the truth is, I'm just like you. Living my life and hoping to impact others. Life is to short to live for others, so this time I'm going to write for myself and about everything that enters my mind.
If that sounds like something you can get behind than join me for a moment in my life.

I've celebrated 26 yrs and I have realized that I'm no longer the teenager I seemed to perpetually find envisioning myself as. You would think that after having my first daughter, Shaelyn at 20 yrs old, I would have realized that I am a parent and no longer a child. While that was the case I was still going to school (college that is) and living with my parents (if you pay rent or own a house you know it's not cheap), so life had not changed very much for me. Basically I had just added two more people I had to clean up after, Kevin, my husband, and the baby.
After living there for 3 years my husband was chomping at the bit to get out of this basement suite and we moved into a nice 3 bedroom rental. It was here that I truly became a mother and a wife. The responsibility fell to me to make sure everyone was fed, cleaned, and the house was livable. I took a small step away from being a child.
As Shaelyn grew up, she was no longer the little baby I held in my arms but the preschooler I taught manners and the alphabet to. Sometimes I would reflect on the changes we had both gone through and be shocked at how quick she was growing up "Where had 4 years gone!" but never at myself. It's as though time in my memories was halted....
I think I rocket myself into adulthood when I sit back in our larger rental and I look at the ring on my hand, and the pictures on the wall and think to myself "I'm married, for almost 6 years. And I have 2 daughters. My oldest is 5 and in kindergarten! My baby is now a year old and almost walking... We're a family of 4. How did I do all this?" :D
My father always says "You're only as old as you feel" and luckily I don't feel much older than I did before my kids, but luckily I am smarter.

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